3 Fleet Management Trends to Look for in 2020

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It may only be August, but 2020 will arrive sooner than you think – and it’s best to be prepared. Read on to learn about some of the current and upcoming Fleet Management Trends and how they are changing the rules of the fleet management industry.


Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)

It’s likely that you have used a ride-share service at least once in the last year. Companies like Uber and Lyft are shaping a new future for personal transportation, resulting in fewer personally-owned cars and an uptick in demand for ride-share options.

This trend is also becoming a reality for fleets of trucks. Currently, most companies own their own heavy-duty and light-duty trucks, to be used for their service only. However, fleet management experts in Europe have noticed that companies are starting to turn to a ride-sharing model themselves. In the Netherlands, for instance, fleet managers pool their resources to create a variety of options to meet the needs of their employees. Once they have identified the need, they can select the truck that is most aptly suited for the job.

MaaS does come with its own set of new complications and considerations. But the upside is that, as this trend grows, more and more fleet managers will have the ability to customize their services while also making more economically favorable choices.


Telematics and Tracking

The idea of Telematics and Tracking via GPS is not a new trend for fleet management. However, 2020 will continue the trend of bringing more technology into the fold for everyday fleet management needs.

Over the last few years, various types of information logging and tracking methods have become a requirement for the trucking industry, contributing to the trend of utilizing the latest developments to create better service.  This type of technology has continued to expand to give fleet managers and their employees more information than ever before.

Moving forward, Telematics and Tracking will become even more accurate, allowing for more efficient maintenance scheduling, as well as the accuracy needed to more closely pinpoint real-time locations and the ability to share that information with others.


Employee Recruitment


Finding the right employees for any industry can be a challenge. However, employment in the fleet management industry is starting to trend up in a big way as fleet managers make specific efforts to invite and retain more employees.

Companies like Dickinson are working to make sure each employee has the opportunity to receive the necessary training, as well as invite them to be a part of the decision-making process when it comes to innovating new ideas. Now more than ever, fleet managers realize that, in order to inspire an employee to invest their time and skills into the company, the company must first invest its time and opportunities into their employees.

Company-wide training, additional education opportunities, and a philosophy of transparency and inclusion are becoming the norm for fleet managers across the board. This trend is definitely one to follow as fleet managers find new ways to show employees why they matter.


More on Dickinson Fleet Services


Headquartered in Indianapolis, Dickinson Fleet Services (DFS) has grown to become one of the largest independent fleet maintenance and management companies in the country. DFS is the leading provider of on-site mobile maintenance and repair services nationwide, offering mobile on-site maintenance and repair services for light, medium and heavy-duty trucks and trailers with over 500 mobile units operating nationwide. DFS services fleet customers with 22 maintenance facilities each offering select services from accident repair, paint, refurbishment and dedicated technician services, combined with an in-house CARES CALL center providing 24/7 repair assistance. DFS has made significant investments in training and technology, including WebWrench® (maintenance tracking and scheduling through proprietary technology) and TRAIT® (real-time reporting and dynamic preventative maintenance inspections processed through a proprietary field service application) and is the only fleet services company in the nation to provide both fleet maintenance and management to its customers nationwide. www.dickinsonfleet.com