Are Your Tires Ready for Roadcheck 2016?

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The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) International Roadcheck will be June 7-9, 2016.

And the big question this year will be: are your tires safe?

RoadcheckA Focus On Tires

That’s right, each year International Roadcheck places special emphasis on a category of violations. The special emphasis for 2016 International Roadcheck is tire safety (i.e., measuring the tire tread depth, checking the tire pressure, checking to make sure that no items are lodged between dual tires and examining the overall condition of the tire to make sure that no deep cuts or bulges exist in the sidewalls of the tire).

So, before 10,000 CVSA-certified local, state, provincial, territorial and federal inspectors in jurisdictions across North America perform large truck and bus safety inspections over a 72 hour period – it’s a good idea to make sure your fleet is up to safety standards (especially its tires).

Checking tires should always be a part of every pre-trip inspection each commercial driver does on a daily basis, but that doesn’t mean that things aren’t missed. The special focus on tire safety will serve as a reminder to drivers and fleet operators everywhere that it shouldn’t be overlooked.

Dickinson-Mobile-Maintenace-TruckYour Truck Maintenance Partner

At Dickinson Fleet, tire health is reviewed as a part of our mobile repair and maintenance plans. With this upcoming inspection blitz being just about a month away, NOW would be a great time to make sure your fleet is running up to par. It’s just not worth it to risk a violation if you are unsure on the overall health of your fleet.

Roadcheck Inspection Items

In addition to the special focus on tires, other items examined during the inspections include: braking system, securement of cargo, coupling devices, exhaust system, frame, fuel system, lights, steering mechanism, driveline/driveshaft, suspension, tires, van and open-top trailer bodies, wheels and rims, windshield wipers, and more.

Busy Fleet Managers may be stressing out with the reminder. The big question is always “how in the world am I going to be prepared for this Roadcheck without unnecessary downtime?”

Mobile On-Site Maintenance

The answer is our Mobile On-Site Maintenance plan. At Dickinson Fleet, we have more than 200 mobile trucks visiting our customers in nearly every major city in the country. All of our trucks are the latest model and equiped with state of the art tools. They perform preventative maintenance (PM) inspections and follow up repairs at our customers locations after the routes are completed.

Think Mobile Maintenance Is Right For You?

Contact us online or call 855-DFS-4111