DHL Upgrades Fleet Maintenance Program Selecting Dickinson Fleet Services as it’s Primary Fleet Maintenance Provider Nationally.

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Indianapolis, Indiana

Dickinson Fleet Services is pleased to announce a new partnership with DHL to provide national fleet management and maintenance services. Bob Dickinson, CEO of Dickinson Fleet Services said, “With our experience and investment in training and technology Dickinson Fleet Services is well suited to handle the challenges of today’s modern fleet and we will be able to leverage our mobile technology and incorporate maintenance data from DHL directly to our technicians in the field via their individual tablets.”

DHL has made signifiant investments in adding and upgrading its fleet to the latest in modern vehicle technology. The use of alternative fuels and mobile technology increase the need to have a partner such as Dickinson Fleet Services that clearly understands and embraces the ever-changing landscape of fleet management and maintenance.

According to Ted Coltrain, Executive V.P. and General Manager at Dickinson Fleet Services, Dickinson Fleet Services has made significant investments in the development of proprietary technology to improve our customer’s fleet management operations. Our investments in technology and training have resulted in programs and equipment necessary for today’s modern fleet vehicles. Mobile technology along with DFS’s TRAIT® program and WebWrench® technology has set DFS apart from other fleet maintenance providers.

Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, Dickinson Fleet Services has grown into one of the largest independent fleet maintenance and management companies in the country. Dickinson Fleet Services is the leading provider of on-site mobile maintenance and repair services nationwide. Offering mobile on-site maintenance and repair services for light, medium and heavy duty trucks and trailers with over 200 mobile units operating in 40 states. DFS services several fleet customers with 15 company owned maintenance facilities each offering select services from accident repair, paint, refurbishment and dedicated technician services combined with our in house CARES CALL center 24/7 repair assistance. DFS has made significant investments in training and technology such as; WebWrench® (Maintenance tracking and scheduling through proprietary technology) and TRAIT® (Real time reporting and dynamic preventative maintenance inspection process through proprietary field service application) and is the only fleet services company in the nation to provide both fleet maintenance and management to their clients nationwide.

Media Contact: Ted Coltrain
Dickinson Fleet Services, LLC
Phone: (855) 337-4111
Email: tcoltrain@dickinsonfleetservices.com