Dickinson Fleet – Your True Business Partner

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What Is A True Business Partnership?

At Dickinson Fleet Services, we understand that the best way to help our customers is to form a true business partnership.  What we mean by this is our team will act as an extension of your business.  By having an assigned account manager and mechanic, we are able to understand the needs of each fleet of trucks as it operates daily.  This allows us to stay proactive with all maintenance and truck repair needs to keep our customer’s business running smoothly.


While all employees here at Dickinson Fleet Services strive to follow this principal of forming a business partnership each and every day, there are times when our customers email us to share an example of an employee going above and beyond.  It’s times like these, we can’t help but pass along this great feedback. 

Below is an email that was received from Cathy Yambrick, Area Sales Leader, Nestle USA recognizing one of our Regional Sales Managers, Steve Chapman.  Take a look at what she had to say…

“I wanted to reach out to you via email to put in writing my thoughts and appreciation for Steve Chapman, “OUR” Dickinson’s Regional Sales Manager. First let me call out my choice of words when describing “OUR” RSM. I choose to use “OUR” because Steve is truly viewed as a business partner of mine and my front line leaders, but most importantly by our front line field members (the folks that make our business roll). I have been a leader of leaders for several years (30+) and it is rare that you find a supply vendor that shares the same level of passion and dedication for getting it done right- as you the client. From day one Steve has embraced the challenges he inherited when first taking on my area – and not once has he ever pointed blame or redirected disappointment to your company of past leaders. It is also to be noted Steve’s level of patience in his approach, when we call and express our world is crumbling (due to truck issues)—Steve is always that composed voice on the other side – that reinstates confidence in our fleet partnership.

Handling the Challenges

I love that Cathy points out Steve’s ability to handle the challenges that come up and his composure when dealing with them.  In any business, there are going to be ups and downs.  Things that don’t always go right or the way they’re supposed to.  This is especially true when we’re talking about managing a fleet of trucks.  But part of a true business partnership is understanding the nature of the business and taking the burden off of the client when these challenges arise.

Getting the Job Done Right

When it comes to truck maintenance and repair, getting the job done right is an absolute must.  As we all know, if a truck isn’t moving it’s not making any money.  Our goal at Dickinson Fleet is to always get the job done right the first time and on time.  Part of how we make this happen is through our Maintenance Select program which consists of a mobile fleet of SAFE service trucks providing on site maintenance and repair to our clients.  Learn more about our Maintenance Select program here or call 855-DFS-4111.