Where Will You Park? How To Solve The Trucker Parking Problem

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Where are you going to park? It’s a question truckers face each time they take a break. Whether that be a mandatory 30 min DOT mandatory break, 34-hour reset or just shutting down for the night, finding a trucking space is a big deal. While there is no way that a trucking company can create new spaces from thin air, there are some things that can be done to make finding an adequate parking spot less stressful for CDL drivers.

Introducing TPIMS (Truck Parking Information Management System)

The federally funded Truck Parking Information Management System (TPIMS) allows drivers, fleet managers, and owner-operators the ability to access up-to-the-minute parking availability along major freight corridors. There are currently 8 partner state locations throughout – Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin – TPIMS helps drivers get the info they need to make the best decision for parking. The result is cost savings, improved quality of life for drivers, fewer fatigue-related accidents and better compliance.

Parking has become a big issue for drivers with many of them spending between 30 to 60 minutes trying to find a safe space to park. When they can’t find one, they often opt for any spot. The fact that there are so many trucks on the roads these days has made a bad situation worse. You can’t drive down a highway without seeing trucks parked on the side of the road or on off ramps. This is not safe for drivers, the freight or other motorists.

Ways Fleet Managers Can Help

  • Review your vehicle routing to help potentially eliminate layovers and/or make it so layover is near where parking is available
  • Consider each stop that you add to a route from the perspective of the driver…where will he or she be when they it’s time for a 10-hour rest or 34-hour restart?
  • Could you order of deliveries in a driver’s route be changed to allow for more making options?
  • Is it possible to talk to your customers to see if it would be an option for drivers to park there from time to time?

In other words, take the time to do a complete routing analysis with an emphasis on parking only. When was the last time you’ve done that? Maybe never? But one thing is for sure, a few adjustments here and there to make life easier on your drivers would be greatly appreciated.

With more trucks than ever on the road, parking is getting more difficult to come by. Showing that you care about your drivers finding not only the most convenient, but the safest parking available will go a long way in showing just how much you appreciate the day-to-day work these professional drivers do for your company.

Have Questions or Need Help?

Contact us online or call 855-DFS-4111

More on Dickinson Fleet Services

Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, Dickinson Fleet Services has grown into one of the largest independent fleet maintenance and management companies in the country. Dickinson Fleet Services is the leading provider of on-site mobile maintenance and repair services nationwide. Offering mobile on-site maintenance and repair services for light, medium and heavy-duty trucks and trailers with over 400 mobile operating nationwide.