A Commitment to Safety.

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Dickinson Fleet Service is proud to recognize all of our maintenance facilities for their outstanding commitment to safety. Each of these locations and the professionals working to keep our clients on the road everyday, not only perform their jobs in all weather conditions but are dedicated to making sure all work is performed safely and correctly.  Their commitment to safety has been demonstrated through their years of service with the company and miles driven over those years. While their have been some accidents in 2015, Our team from all combined locations nationwide has over 175,000 hours of service without an incident.


Please join us in a great big THANK YOU to:



Midwest Region 60-006
Christian McDaniels

Midwest Region 60-005
Joe Quenzer

Northeast Region 61-002
Norman Vincent

Midsouth Region 62-003
Grover Bagley

Chicago Shop
Dan Polka  

Cincinnati Shop
Bill Stander

Dallas Shop
Robert MacLachlan   

Houston Shop
John Mosely 

Jacksonville South & West Shop
Steve Watson  

Miami Shop
Alfredo Prince 

Orlando Shop
Bill Miller 

We appreciate and value your commitment to SAFETY, your customers, yourself and Dickinson Fleet Services!”