10 Dickinson Fleet Technicians Will Compete for Top Tech Award

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The Regional round of the first annual Top Tech competition is complete. This means the field is officially down to the Top 10 and we are one step closer to naming the very first “Dickinson Top Tech.” Here’s a look at technicians who are advancing to the finals…

Regional Semifinals – 1st Place

Jeremy Piepmeier, Atlanta Mobile

Top Tech Semi Finalists from Indianapolis Regional

Jeff Brinkman, Cincinnati Branch

Regional Semifinals – 2nd Place

Jacob Wooley, Houston Mobile

Darren Thul, Chicago Branch

Regional Semifinals – 3rd Place

Josh Lawhorn, USF Holland Captive

Jake Gibson, Dayton Mobile

At Large

Dustin Roberts, USF Holland Captive

Ruben Lartigue, Houston Mobile

Jose Feliciano, Orlando Branch

Kenneth Busch, Pennsburg Branch

The Turnout

We couldn’t be more happy with the participation during our first competition. Every technician at Dickinson Fleet was extended an invitation to compete and greater than 90% volunteered! This includes more than 400 shop and mobile technicians.

The top 10 have made it through the entry level exams, passed the semi finals tests and are ready to take on the 10 challenge stations at the finals in Indianapolis, Indiana. All 10 technicians will be enjoying at suite at the Brickyard 400 on both Saturday and Sunday along with their spouses or significant others. In the end, though, there will be only one “Top Tech” and that person will represent Dickinson Fleet at the National Super Tech Competition in North Carolina in October.

Top Tech Winner

In addition to being named the first “Top Tech” and receiving cash prizes, the Dickinson Top Tech and their guest will also be treated to a three night luxury hotel stay on North Carolina’s Outer Banks (including expenses) for more rest, relaxation and recreation following the competition.

Beginning of a Tradition

The inaugural Top Tech competition is the beginning of what company owners and leadership at Dickinson hopes will be a longstanding tradition. We are very happy with the participation and support our techs have given so far.

Continue to follow our blog as we will post updates from the finals as the competition comes to a close. We look forward to naming our first Dickinson Fleet “Top Tech” and cheering on this team member at the SuperTech Nationals.

More on Dickinson Fleet Services

Dickinson Fleet is the nation’s leader in mobile truck maintenance and repair. We currently have 200 mobile trucks equipped with state of the art technology visiting our customers nightly in nearly every major city in the country.

Learn more about our mobile on-site services here.

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