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Transportation Solutions with the Reliability You Need And the Flexibility You Want

Ready Logistics and Central Dispatch connect automotive dealers, auctions, carriers, commercial clients and car owners nationwide. Our full-service, self-managed and digital solutions make it easy to transport vehicles from the comfort of your home or dealership.

Optimized End-to-End Transportation Process

Save time as Ready Logistics handles all the details of your move and selects the ideal carrier based on performance and competitive pricing. Self-manage and save money with Central Dispatch by negotiating with and dispatching directly to carriers.

175K Vehicles Delivered Monthly by Carrier Partners
7K+ Shippers Nationwide
2.4M Vehicles Delivered in 2019

From Anywhere to Everywhere: Transport Inventory on the Go

As dealers turn to technology to solve today’s challenges of conducting business, you can save time by managing transportation digitally through Manheim.com, OVE and the Manheim Express app. One of the ways to do this and easily plan for vehicle delivery is with Ready Logistics’ transportation status tracker. Now you can source inventory from wherever and quickly get the information you need to keep your business moving.

1-3Ready Logistics Internal Data, as of Dec 2016

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