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New look and feel for Cox Automotive sign-in screens!

We’re working a multi-step plan to make Cox Automotive products work better together. One key part of this plan is that one Bridge ID will work for all Cox Automotive products. Rolling out a common sign-in screen is the first step of rolling out Bridge ID. There will be further benefits as we make changes over the next year or so.

Q: Why does the sign-in screen look different?

A: We’re working a multi-step plan to make Cox Automotive products work better together. One key part of this plan is that one Bridge ID will work for all Cox Automotive products. This change to a common sign-in experience is the very first step of rolling out Bridge ID, and there will be further benefits as we make changes over the next year or so.

Q: Why doesn’t the sign-in screen remember my username and password?

A: Your dealership may be using a commercial password keeper like LastPass. If so, consulting that product’s support team or help documentation is your best avenue for how to manage your saved credentials. To get you started, here are a few helpful links for popular password keepers.




Safari (via KeyChain)

IE11 on Windows 7

IE11 on Windows 8,10


Edge on Windows 10

Other password managers:

LastPass: https://support.logmeininc.com/lastpass (have to enter question)

Dashlane: https://support.dashlane.com/hc/en-us/articles/202625082-How-to-find-any-password-generated-by-Dashlane

1Password: https://support.1password.com/1password-com-items/

Keeper: https://docs.keeper.io/user-guides/

Sticky Password: https://www.stickypassword.com/help/storing-other-info-in-sticky-password-1086


KeePass: https://keepass.info/help/base/usingpws.html

Q: Will the sign-in experience change for mobile devices like iPads?

A: Yes, this same common sign-in experience will be applied to mobile devices.

Q: I work at a large dealership and have a federated sign in, how does this impact me?

A: You will not be impacted. You will continue to sign in the same way you do today.

Q: Will my username or password change?

A: As part of this phase, you will use the same username and password you do today.

Q: Will the forgot username or forgot password functionality change?

A: All forgot username and forgot password functionality will remain the same for now.

Q: Will user administration change at all?

A: Users will be created and managed the same way they are today.

Q: Will my experience after I sign in change at all?

A: After providing your username and password on the new screens, you will be directed your Cox Application, and everything will work the same way it does today.

Q: I am a Bridge ID user. Where did my “Sign in with Bridge ID” link go?

A: As a benefit of this update, Bridge ID users will no longer need to click on a special link. You will enter your username on the new sign-in page and, behind the scenes, we will determine if you are a Bridge ID user.

Q: Can I still sign up for Bridge ID?

A: We are not changing the Bridge ID registration process with this phase. Please visit the Bridge ID FAQ for more information. https://www.coxautoinc.com/bridgeid/

Q: Will my bookmark to sign-in to my solution still work?

A: Yes. Bookmarks for any old sign-in pages will redirect to the new web address.


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