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Data Point

July CPO Sales Trend Continues Favorable Momentum


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Article Highlights

  1. Sales of certified pre-owned (CPO) vehicles increased 6% in July compared to July 2018 and were down 2% compared to June.
  2. In July, 236,579 CPO units were sold.
  3. As has been the case all year Toyota, Honda, and Chevy are the biggest players in the CPO market and collectively represent almost a third of all CPO sales.

Sales of certified pre-owned (CPO) vehicles increased 6% in July compared to July 2018 and were down 2% compared to June. For the month, 236,579 CPO units were sold.

Over 1.6 million CPO vehicles have been sold in 2019, up 2% year to date versus 2018. This year CPO sales are growing at a comfortable pace above 2018’s record-setting performance. Favorable supply of vehicles entering the market will continue to support used retail sales.

As has been the case all year Toyota, Honda, and Chevy are the biggest players in the CPO market and collectively represent almost a third of all CPO sales. Toyota and Honda continue to see their CPO sales grow, with the brands up 7% and 8% respectively, while Chevy CPO sales are down 8% in 2019.

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