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Byline by Grace Huang

Auction Tools and Services Equal More Time for Selling


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  1. I encourage you to look for locations that provide digital tools to enable you to leave the auction as soon as you are done buying and selling, with post-sale services ordered, transportation and settlement arranged, all without waiting in line.
  2. Outsourcing retail reconditioning enables you to fulfill demand faster, increase efficiency and minimize the time required to make used vehicles front-line ready.
  3. Assurance products, or guarantees, can help you reduce risk and protect your purchases in a hassle-free environment. Accurate vehicle information (images, condition reports, inspections) and guarantees are critical so that you can transact with greater speed and efficiency.

If someone asked you to describe your typical auction experience, you might talk about waiting in lines, filling out seemingly endless paperwork and making trips to the bank. We know that every minute spent on those tasks is a minute not spent growing your business.

Joe Wilkins of Wilkins Auto Sales and Wilkins Motor Company in North Carolina sums it up like this: “I make money when I buy and sell cars. Anything else, I’m not.”

With shrinking margins and increasing competition, many independent dealers are spending too much time in line and managing the auction process, when they could be spending more time serving their retail customers. It is not unheard of to spend 20 minutes on various tasks after every transaction.

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