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Don't let that customer walk!

Use “Retail View” on Manheim.com or OVE.com to save the deal.


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  1. This little-known feature can have a big payoff! It lets you find cars and share everything with the customer but the price. It’s a great way to keep business on your lot.

You’ve seen it all before: You’ve got the exact model, year and options down to the tire tread a customer wants except it’s not the right color, or it’s missing a specific feature. What do you do? Offer to make a few phone calls or get it at the auction. No matter what you do to find an alternative, you can’t change their mind. Then they walk.

It doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re a Manheim customer, there’s a great tool on OVE.com and Manheim.com called Retail View you can use to you retain qualified customers when the exact car they’re looking for isn’t on your lot.

Here’s the way it works:

  • Search Manheim.com or OVE for the car you’re looking for the customer
  • Click on the listing and go the upper right hand corner of the listing to link to Retail View.
  • The Retail View page contains everything from the VIN number to equipment and photos.
  • Click Customize to choose what you want the customer to see, then print or email the listing.
  • Since they can’t see your wholesale price, you’ve still got control of the retail price so you build in a profit and account for transportation and recon costs.
  • You can also add notes to the page to highlight the specific details the customer was looking for.

An Easy Way to Make New Customers and Keep Current Ones

Retail View is a great tool to sell more inventory without incurring holding costs. It’s a pass-through transaction topped off with profit. More importantly, Retail View lets you build relationships and keep customers from going to the competition. And that’s a tool we can all use.

Watch this video to learn more, or contact your Manheim sales rep or local auction.

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